Does Central Serous Retinopathy Cause Blindness?
There are many diseases and conditions of the eye that doctors are still unsure how they originate. Genetics, family history, use of certain medications, age and lifestyle, there are an abundance of factors that can be attributed to one’s eye health. Central serous retinopathy is one such condition in which medical science has yet to narrow down a cause but attributes stress, age and medication to be the primary factors for its development. Although corticosteroids do not cause central serous retinopathy, they can make the condition worse. If possible, doctors will recommend eliminating or reducing the use of an inhaler for asthma, nasal spray, certain skin creams and injections of steroids commonly associated with joint or back injury.
Central serous retinopathy is a build-up of fluid under the retina. The retina is a layer of tissue at the back of the eye responsible for sensing the light that enters through the eye signaling it to the brain to interpret the images we see. Located in the center of this nerve tissue is the macula. Central serous retinopathy can build up in areas that are not around the macula but when they do, it affects the otherwise clear, central part of vision. Central serous retinopathy does not always produce symptoms but the most common is blurry vision and is often limited to one eye. Additional symptoms include objects that appear farther away, white colors may appear duller, lines may appear wavy or crooked and there is often a dark or gray spot present in the center of vision.
In addition to discontinuing any corticosteroid use, doctors will often monitor a patient’s eyes to see if the fluid is draining away on its own without intervention. If the fluid does not clear up within a few months, treatment options include thermal laser treatment, photodynamic therapy and medications. Any changes in vision left untreated can cause deterioration, permanent vision loss or blindness. However, central serous retinopathy has successful treatment options that when monitored by an experienced ophthalmologist should resolve blurriness, preserve vision and not cause blindness.
With any changes in vision, you should make it a priority to be evaluated by an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. At Retina Consultants of Nevada, our retina specialists are highly trained to diagnose retina and vitreous conditions that include central serous retinopathy and how to best offer you treatment options for your best vision possible. Call today at 702-369-0200 or visit online at WEBSITE.