What is a Scleral Buckle?

Retinal detachment is the separation of the retina from the choroid, a membrane dense with blood vessels that is located between the retina and the sclera. The retina is a thin layer of light sensitive tissue that lines the back portion of the eye; the sclera is the white portion of the eye. When the retina detaches, it is deprived of its blood supply and source of nourishment and loses its ability to function. This can impair vision to the point of blindness, depending on how much of the retina is detached. Retinal detachment is a serious eye emergency that requires prompt treatment.

Retinal Detachment Surgery

There are several types of surgery to repair a detached retina. One method of retinal detachment repair is a procedure called a scleral buckle. During a scleral buckle, a flexible band is placed around the eye to counteract the force that is pulling the retina out of place. The fluid behind the detached retina will be drained, and the retina should return to its normal place in the back of the eye. 

Sclera buckle surgeries are considered highly successful in repairing retinal detachment. After the procedure, the doctor will place an eye patch over your eye to protect it for the first day or two. You will have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon within just a few days.

While you recover you will need to limit certain strenuous activities. Your doctor will let you know exactly when you can return to normal activity.

You may experience some soreness, redness and swelling on and around the eye for the first several days after surgery. You will be given antibiotic eye drops that you will need to apply for several weeks to help with healing.

If not treated quickly, a retinal detachment can cause partial or total vision loss so prompt treatment is essential. If you notice changes to your vision, do not delay in seeking treatment. Contact Retina Consultants of Nevada at 702-369-0200 or website to learn more.